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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wichita Falls Family Portrait | Scott, Mark & Alena

Winter has arrived!  We have the wackiest weather.  It can be in the 70's one day and the 30's the next.  I don't think I've ever experienced a gradual change in weather.  Can't complain -- because I could be romping around in shorts and a tee shirt next week -- but for now, I'm all wrapped up in layers -- because it is COLD!

Just ask Mark!  What a trooper -- we took a few pictures in Lucy Park yesterday -- when it was probably around the high 30's.  He wasn't all that keen about being in the cold -- but he went ahead and gave me lovely smiles when I needed them!

Here's Scott, Mark and Alena looking adorable -- in the cold, cold, North Texas weather!

Alena is expecting baby #2 in March 2010.  Congratulations and I hope the three of you have a splendid Christmas (and I hope Santa brings Mark everything on his list!!!)!

On another note -- Rick and I went to the movies with our friends Mike and Marcia last night. What movie you ask??? The Blindside.

We all gave it two thumbs up (that's eight if you're counting). It's a sweet movie, based on a true story -- that your entire family will enjoy (men, women, boys and girls).

I would highly suggest you add this movie to your date night plans.

Have a great weekend!

;~`} Frances

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