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Monday, October 4, 2010

Texas Rangers Claws and Antlers Parade

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How did I answer that question? Oh, (e) of course!

We went to the final regular season Texas Ranger's game Sunday and were pleasantly surprised when we walked through the gates to see that some of the players were in the lines handing out the schedule for 2011. Ok -- it was fan appreciation day so maybe we should have expected something special from the Rangers.

OMG CJ Wilson is so cute (and young), but why oh why couldn't I get my act together to at least shake his hand????? Rrrrrrrrr! I was so mad at myself because here was a prime opportunity to snag an autograph -- but a zillion thoughts were spinning through my head -- and none of them made any sense. You have to know that we went to see the Rangers in Boston, MA -- and I made Rick wait with me a little over an hour so that I could try to get their autographs before they left Fenway (and of course, I left empty handed). So - you would think that I would have succeeded when I had one of the players right in front of me! Oh brain, oh charm, why doth thou leave me when I need thee?????

Oh well. I still have the schedule he touched!

A number of the players were there. Rick was greeted by Michael Young and Seth was greeted by Clay Rapada!

Josh Hamilton handing out 2011 schedule

Anyhoo, the reason we got there early was so that we could watch the Claws and Antlers Parade. Luckily, our seats were down low so I had a great vantage point to take pictures.

Here are a few pictures from the parade.

Just in case you want to see more cute fans, check out the slideshow below.

The Rangers lost -- but we still had a great time!  We're so proud of the team and wish them the best in the post season!

Well, here's to a brain (mine) that doesn't engage when coming face to face with a sports hero!!!!

Have a great week!

; ~`)  Frances 

PS  -- Please tell me that I'm not the only one who goes brain dead when face to face with a celebrity!


  1. are not the only one...usually when something like this happens, I do not have my camera with me....

  2. awesome pics. you almost make me like nikon. :) okay don't be mad.

  3. I want to go to the parade now!

    I think it's natural to go brain dead.


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