Anyhooooo -- I love the storyboards on the CoffeeShop blog -- soooo, I thought to myself, wonder what I can take pictures of today and slap into one of those wonderful storyboards?????? Light bulb on -- the elm tree out back!
Sooooooo -- I grabbed my camera and took a number of shots of the sun coming through the beautifully spotted, amber and green colored elm leaves.
I then decided on the CoffeShop's 20X10 5 pic storybaord and went to work. If you haven't visited the CoffeeShop and you use either Photoshop or Photoshop Elements -- I highly suggest you cruise by because Rita's site is a wonderful resource!!!!!

I'm trying to become a little more domesticated and bake bread. I tried making brochen yesterday -- they weren't bad -- but, not gonna win a blue ribbon at the fair either. Today, I tried a different brochen recipe -- and they were a little bit better -- but still not round and puffy, more flat and sortof puffy. I do believe I'm not getting the desired results due to lack of technique.
I found a great blog with videos on how to knead the bread -- so I think my next bread making venture will be this guy's recipe (we have about 20 rolls to eat before I attempt the next batch-o-bread, pooooooor Rick!) Soooooo -- I'll report back in on bread making 101 after I try the next recipe!!!
Brochen is supposed to be round and lot puffier (sob). Dropped one after the photo shoot, dogs gave the Brochen a paws up (but they'll eat anything!!)!
Have a wonderful Thursday!
; ~ '} Frances
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