Ok -- time to get back out and take some pictures of something, anything! Santa Rick bought me a new computer for Christmas, so I've been loading programs, transferring files and all that wonderful stuff that you have to do. I'm keeping my old one up and running, just in case I forgot to transfer something over (it'll take me years to figure out what is or isn't on the new one). I downloaded a free trial version of Photoshop CS4, and found that it has allot of really nice updates! The new computer has 6GB or RAM and runs on Vista 64bit -- so my Photoshop runs much better! All I need now -- are pictures to play with. Since I haven't been out taking pictures, I thought I'd take a pic of my work area. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ a little boring huh? Wow, when you look at all the wires and stuff under my desk, you probably want to call the fire department. Ummmm, please don't. I do seem to be running out of room on my desk, not sure what I can give up though. My absolute fav thing (connected to the computer) is my Wacom tablet. If you play in Elements or Photoshop, it sure makes things so much easier. I can't imagine not having one.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and didn't over do it in the eating department (like I did). The good news is that I actually made it out to the YMCA yesterday!!!!!! I woke up after 1:00 a.m. this morning thinking my shoulder was going to fall out of its socket. Lucky for me Advil keeps the soreness at bay! Let's hope today's workout does not pain bring tomorrow! Oh well -- the saying is "no pain no gain". Right?
Well, time to get ready for the Y (mentally and physically). I enjoy working out -- it's the getting there that seems to be the issue. I need to keep running this mantra through my head "must get old body back, must get old body back, must get old body back". If anyone has any thoughts on keeping me YMCA motivated, please chime in!
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