Mmmmmmm yummmy macaroni and cheese balls!

Cheesecake Factory

flags at red light

leaving AA Center after TSO

Outside the Westin
Rick treated me to a delayed holiday in Dallas this past weekend. Wow, what beautiful weather. It was 81 degrees on Saturday night. The Cotton Bowl guests were treated to terrific weather (sorry TT). We had a really fun but relaxing weekend with the Mavs (Mavs beat the 76'ers), the Trans Siberian Orchestra (TSO) http://www.trans-siberian.com/index-main.php and finally King Tut http://dallasmuseumofart.org/Dallas_Museum_of_Art/View/Tut/ID_198987! One of the pics is from outside the Westin Hotel. I looked out and the sun was beaming down on the trees below - so I hurriedly grabbed my camera and took a picture. TSO was amazing! They had the best sound, light show, pyrotechnics - etc., that I've seen in a while. They even made snow!
I took another pic while waiting for the crowd to leave American Airlines Center parking garage. I was so thrilled to get the star burst on the lights. Check it out!!!
Another is a simple picture of flags that I took while we were at a red light. The last pics are from one of my favorite places to eat (there are about a hundred in Dallas that I love). I bet some of you are thinking -- what in the world did she take a picture of at the Cheesecake Factory http://www.thecheesecakefactory.com/ . Well -- it is the most amazing (not low cal) junk food kind of appetizer you could ever want! My friend Jaclyn M told me about these -- and we've been hooked ever since. Are you sitting down? The four fried round things on the white plate are -- FRIED MACARONI AND CHEESE BALLS!!!!!! Who ever thunk that one up????? They are so fab -- if you haven't tried them (and you are not on a diet) -- you must do so (even though it sounds gross).
Well, it's back to the real world (and much cooler temps -- bbbbrrrrrr) -- and home now. Take care -- Frances
I love looking at the photos that you take. You need to send the 2 into the cheescake factory...you never know they may put the pic. on the menu. Big Thank you again for the hockey tickets. Mark would say.. "he got hurt" when they fought and was saying not to hurt their friends..it's was cute. We left after the 2nd quarter and they were ahead. :)